Nursery tree of lemon
The various kinds
After I'll get a plant of lemon....
Until a small fruit is being....
While various blogs are being written....
A plant of various lemons
was being introduced.
To have the so many kinds....
13、Rinoka Lemon
16、Flower Yuzu
☆ Link to how to bring up lemon!!
The record as which lemon is being trained actually was gathered with an occasional picture.
"Is this the one done how?" but when having that,
when I can receive at a glance,
it's lucky!
1、Lisbon Lemon
My lemon is also Lisbon lemon.
One of the main force kinds. Hard, tree vigor is recommended to a beginner by the fruitful kind, too.
To develop in the verticality direction, a branch tends to be a big tree.
There is cold resistance compared with Eureka, so the occasion raising outdoors do is this kind.
I'm rich in fruit juice, am strong in the sour taste and have the refreshing scent.
There is private result, so you can thrust at a fruit with one.
By a potted plant in addition to garden planting!
The last tree height : 2m~3m
A harvest : October-March
Cultivation suitable land : Niigata-ken and Fukushima-ken-Okinawa-ken
3rd grader, a plant of 3402 yen
2、楽天 Optimistic about 1 winning a prize! Happy lemon
How to bring up, it also seems to be with a tour guide!
Or, the report state depends on a season of an order.
Is there a fruit of yellow lemon at the time of an order of the autumn-winter?
A kind ; Ground lemon
When I become mature roundly actually by a cross of orange and lemon, I'm strong in orange.
3rd grader, a plant of 4309 yen (including tax)
【幸せレモンの木】レモンの木 果樹苗 庭木 鉢苗 植木 苗木 苗 シンボルツリー 常緑 常緑樹 実のなる木 観葉植物 国産 ギフト ガーデニング【3年生苗/接ぎ木苗】【楽ギフ_包装】【楽ギフ_メッセ】【楽ギフ_メッセ入力】【新築祝/記念樹/庭植え】
3、Beer Franker Lemon
That almost prickle has big no characteristic.
The flaw by the prickle is difficult to put on the fruit, and it's easy to work.
That a strong prickle goes out while it's a sapling.
The varietal characteristics of a fruit is near Eureka, the way where the cold resistance is weak.
It's easy to bring up and it's the kind on which a fruit is often put.
An abnormal fallen leaves in the late fall which you can watch carefully with other citrus fruits is a little kind.
Eureka is setup and a branch has the aptitude spread in the side, while a branch of a beer flanker has the aptitude which becomes easy to develop in the verticalness direction.
![]() 【ビアフランカ】素掘り苗接木苗 2年生[果樹苗木・柑橘・香酸類・レモン] |
4、Eureka Lemon
By one of the main force kinds, for beginners.
The tree vigor is rather weak.
There are few prickles relatively by the wing expanse.
It's popular as a home fruiter by a delicacy and a perfume and of high quality.
It's estimated, but the cold resistance is rather weak little compared with Lisbon.
Well, the seed is rather little by 110-about 130 grams.
The kind heat resistance tends to bring up relatively highly.
There is private result, so you can thrust at a fruit with one.
By a potted plant in addition to garden planting!
The last tree height: 2-3m
A harvest: 10-March
Cultivation suitable land: Kanto area-Okinawa-ken
![]() レモン 苗木 ユーレカレモン 13.5cmポット苗 れもん 苗 檸檬 gv |
5、Meyer Lemon
It's mandarin and lemon whether the Meyer Lemon is orange.
When a fruit takes on the roundness and is matured by the crossing kind which is so.
A skin becomes orange.
The sour taste is less than the general kind, and is it Judo?
A juicy fruit is lemon of the feature by the flavor.
The kind cold resistance and heat resistance tend to bring up relatively highly.
There is private result, so you can thrust at a fruit with one.
By a potted plant in addition to garden planting!
The last tree height: 2m-3m
A harvest: October-March
Cultivation suitable land: Niigata-ken and Fukushima-ken-Okinawa-ken
![]() レモン 苗木 マイヤー 四季成 13.5cmポット苗 れもん 苗 檸檬 gv |
A second year plant of 2138 yen (including tax)
◆予約販売(11月中旬〜下旬発送)◆ レモン 苗木 【ラフマイヤー】 2年生 接ぎ木 ポット苗 レモンの木 苗 常緑 果樹 柑橘 香酸柑橘 柑橘苗木 果樹苗木
6、Allen Eureka Lemon
The kind a prickle is short relatively and by which harvesting is possible from Wakagi.
It's rich in fruit juice and good for quality of fruit.
The cold resistance is low compared with Lisbon, but growth of four seasons is strong.
It's realized in 1.
It's strongest to the cold in the lemon, and I come by raising outdoors at the sunny place where I don't get a
north wind in a warm place and the Pacific Ocean side.
The last tree height: About 2 m
A harvest: October-March
Cultivation suitable land: Kanto area-Chugoku Shikoku and Kyushu
![]() ◆送料無料◆ レモン 苗木 【トゲなし 選抜大実 アレンユーレカレモン】 1年生 接ぎ木 スリット鉢植え(2年間植え替え不要) レモンの木 苗 常緑 香酸柑橘 柑橘苗木 果樹苗木 ※北海道・沖縄は送料無料適用外です。 |
7、Jumbo Lemon
A huge fruit, impact, much!
The sour taste milder than usual lemon.
The kind which tends to be realized.
2139 yen (including tax)
ジャンボレモンの苗 巨大な果実はインパクトたっぷり!通常のレモンよりもマイルドな酸味♪結実しやすい品種ですジャンボレモンの苗
8、Sweet Lemon
Isn't it sour! Strange lemon.
The sweet lemon by which Iran is origin.
It isn't acidic and is lemon with the faint sweetness.
It's called "rimu Sea lean (sweet lemon)" by Iran and eaten as a fruit necessary to a winter from the height of its nutritive value.
That besides abundance of the vitamin C also is unique and is called "king in the citrus fruits" at the inside!
Or, a flower is also fragrant and even if it's for appreciation, it's said that they can enjoy themselves.
![]() レモンの木 スイートレモン 1年生 接ぎ木 苗 果樹苗 柑橘 |
9、Princess Lemon
"Rare species" plant of princess lemon.
Do you think that it's orange! But it's sour!
Lemon of perpetual private result.
Even a potted plant is the kind Makoto Sawayama will be. It's also called "red lemon".
![]() ■良品果樹苗■姫レモン3号ポット苗 |
10、Pink Lemonade
The colorful lemon which is very uncommon to pink lemonade and has high enjoyment value.
Variegation is very clean.
How to enter the speckle of the leaf is excellent in particular.
When one around a bud blooms by light pink, a flower becomes white, and I have a superficial scent.
While while being young actually, green stripes enter, and ripening, stripes will be going off and be yellow lemon.
A seed tends to use fruits in a dish little by beautiful pink, and you add a new color scheme.
When it's colored perfectly, the variegated design goes off, so rather early profit is recommended.
I'm sensitive to the cold, so I pay attention!
![]() レモン 苗木 ピンクレモネード 15cmポット苗 れもん 苗 檸檬 gv |
11、Saipan Lemon(Green Lemon)
The lemon popular by the refreshing sour taste.
This seed is the lemon I don't do market circulation of so much.
A skin is also called an another name "green lemon", and is the lemon harvested inside the putting green.
The mild sour taste is the taste which becomes a habit.
It's good to slice and put it in tea!
I pollinate myself, so a fruit will be in one.
![]() 【花芽付き】サイパンレモン 苗木 6号 r(c19) |
12、Chinese Little Lemon
It's named lemon, but it's the tachibana of four seasons grown at Southeast Asia.
You can thrust at a fruit with the hybrid of the tangerine orange and the kumquat throughout the year.
It's akin to SHIKWASA which grows naturally in Okinawa, but NOBIRECHIN isn't included in fruit juice.
There is also "about 6 times more than SHIKWASA of rutin" for the content of "citric acid".
Well, it's fragrant and the sour taste is strong and it's possible to eat just as it is.
Cold resistance is strong in the lemon, and it's also the feature that I'd like one with a fruit.
I'm strong in the becoming nature of four seasons, from autumn to early summer, the golden age of profit.
1st grader, a plant of 3456 yen (including tax)
13、Linoka Lemon
Various improvement is added and is a new breed of the lemon on which I appeared in 2015 by the crossing kind of Lisbon lemon and sunny place summer.
A fruit is in about 200 grams, too bigger than usual lemon, the sour taste is controlled and is the mellow food taste, and a seed islittle, and even a hand can also peel skin soft.
Even one tree is born much, the harvest time is for about 1 month and a half also earlier than usual lemon.
A prickle is easy to handle little.
That the biggest feature is strong in "ulcer disease".
1st grader, a plant of 3218 yen (including tax)
レモン 苗 【璃の香 (りのか)】 1年生 接ぎ木 ポット苗 檸檬 苗木 柑橘 香酸柑橘 柑橘苗木 果樹苗木 常緑 |
14、Ponteroza Lemon
The marvelous huge lemon first appearance!
The quadruple size of the usual lemon! 300-about 400 g and sour taste are smooth, and the size is mild.
Much fruit juice comes and comes in handy in juice and liqueur because it's big.
A harvest time for warm place cultivation is from the beginning of October.
It'll be in one.
It's easy to make, and born so much.
There are rather much prickles little, but it can be said that growing is dynamic.
A fruit is the big actual lemon across which I come at a fruit department rather big.
It's rather thick-skinned little.
I graft 1st grader Pot plant ¥1,814- (including tax).
レモン 苗木 【ポンテローザ】 1年生 接ぎ木 ポット苗 レモンの木 苗 常緑 果樹 柑橘 香酸柑橘 柑橘苗木 果樹苗木 ジャンボレモン |
15、Yuzu (Japanese Citron)
A fruit is big and is the fragrant kind in the citron.
It's young that the long prickle can be made the branch which develops hard, and the feature.
It's strongest to the cold in the citrus fruits,
and when it's exposed to strong bise, I shed leaves, but when the temperature becomes high, it normally grows.
It's strong in a disease carrier compared with other citrus fruits and without agricultural chemicals, the tree species I tend to grow.
3240 yen (including tax)
本柚子(ホンユズ) 6号r |
16、Flower Yuzu
My citron, flower Yuzu (one year old Yuzu).
It's the feature the Flower Yuzu is a little short compared with Yuzu, and that it's good with a fruit.
A flower can use the fragrance of the white pretty citrus fruits for a dish actually.
When a citrus fruiter is planted in a garden, it's said that a generation after generation (orange) person shines out.
The Flower Yuzu are richer in fruit juice than Yuzu, and smells slightly.
It's ideal to put it in distilled spirits!
3rd grader, a plant of 3402 yen (including tax)
【花ゆず】※11月上旬以降、堀上後発送予定※3年生接木苗 大苗ハナユズ[果樹苗木・柑橘・かんきつ・柚子] |
Good luck, brought origin tree.
The lucky citrus fruiter to which you say "A generation after generation (orange) person shines out." when it's planted in a garden.
The flower is beautiful by an evergreen and there is a perfume.
When one family has that, it comes in handy in a dish.
4th grader, a plant of 4536 yen (including tax)
![]() 【すだち】※11月上旬以降、堀上後発送予定※4年生接木苗 大苗酢橘・スダチ[果樹苗木・柑橘・かんきつ] |
I can also exert myself、
if you push this banner!!
( my dog, namely KORO )
Thank you.